With the latest chemical attack by the syrian regime against it's own people and the subsequent retaliatory missile attack by the U.S., Britain and France the radical left have become increasingly more desperate to turn the world's attention back to the hamas orchestrated gaza riots on the Israeli boarder. Oh well, it at least gave me the opportunity to go to SF and get some fun selfies.

Unfortunately for the pro-hamas leftists these other nut jobs were already in the plaza only about 50 feet away from where the leftists decided to set up their sorry ass protest. These "Black Hebrew Israelites" guys are not actually Jewish or have anything to do with Israel but they put the leftists in the position of having to compete for the public's attention which I thought was funny. I don't really know too much about these guys but I have seen them around before and aside from their rather unique interpretation of The Bible it seems that they're not too fond of white folks. And unknown to me before today they aren't exactly pro-choice either I'm guessing with that
"Abortion is Klan Parent Hood" sign.
As always, the pro-hamas/pro-gaza riots/anti-Israel protest was filled with the usual trouble consisting of thugs dressed as the terrorists they claim not to support. And then ofcourse, what would any kind radical left wing protest in San Francisco be with out at least a few dip shit hippie left overs from the 60s like this moron with his green mustache and propeller cap. I actually recognize that idiot from the ill fated occupy wall street days in downtown Oakland. We chatted for a bit and believe me he's as stupid as he looks . . .
Here's a couple short videos from today in which these leftists are having a fit about having their public freak show rally filmed...
April 15th Update: Speaking of leftist freaks from San Francisco yesterday code stink went after the homes of Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein in trying to make the case against the U.S. supposedly going to war with syria. I mean seriously, I understand arguing the merits of the missile strikes against the bashar al asshat regime but talk about a bunch of professional protester losers just looking for an excuse to play dress up for some street theater.
As for today the freak show clearly must go on. This is another "no war on syria" protest going on but this time in Oakland according to where I lifted this photo image from. You see that fucken sign that reads "Assad is defending syria from the wrath of terrorism"? That kind of thinking pretty much sums up what is so very wrong with the left these days. And the fact that they have deluded themselves into believing that they're not enablers to jihadists and tyrants makes them ever more so pathetic.
BDS fail in Hayward |
April 28 Update: Protests come and go and always end up being yesterday's news. But as you can see commerce between Israel and California is doing just fine and is a constant.