This was recently spotted at a Bay Area Trader Joe's. Now keep in mind that a few years ago Trader Joe's stores were targeted by BDS harassment in the form of vandalism and an online smear campaign for carrying Israeli products and basically told the BDSholes to fuck off. Last I heard Trader Joe's as a company wasn't exactly hurtin for business as any body who frequents them can tell you. BDS fails really make my day even when it's just little stuff like this.
Just recently got back from a trip to Hawaii and among other things I went to the US Army Museum in Honolulu. They had a whole section devoted to the 34th secretary of defense Eric Ken Shinseki who's from Hawaii. The man had a fascinating life and military career but I found this particular exhibit to be of special interest as it chronicles the brothers in arms like historical collaborative relationship between US and Israeli armed forces.

All too often the idea of being pro-Israel is synonymous with being pro-trump which I think is ridiculous. Especially given that he broke all his campaign promises to Israel and certainly Charlottesville showed us that the anti-Semitic white supremacists in his base are more important to him then any pro-Israel supporters of his. And let's not forget about the classified Israeli intel that trump leaked to the russians right after he fired James Comey. It couldn't be more obvious that trump seems to be more pro-russia then any other foreign country ally or otherwise. So aside from all that and with trump being an over all jack ass and disgrace to the office I felt inclined to express my self at this trump property which was just a few blocks from where I was staying at in Waikiki Beach.
September 25 Update: Case and point about what a jack ass trump is. This is only the morning of my second day back from Hawaii and already trump is embroiled in a new controversy of his own making which actually started yesterday with the NFL. I gotta tell ya, I had some real mixed feelings about that whole thing with Kapernick before and I'm no fan of Black Lives Matter even though I took issue with most of those police shootings. But between that, and the more recent shit with the confederate monuments and now trump's childish and divisive tantrums at the NFL on twitter I have no problem with those players who choose to take a knee during the national anthem. Same goes for those who still choose to stand I get that to, it's all part of being an American.
Let me get back to Middle East matters for a moment with a quick geography lesson. This is a picture I took with my iphone of a section of a huge wall map I came across a couple weeks ago. See any place called "palestine" on it? End of lesson.
Lesson number 2, you see those flags to the left? Those belong to countries that actually exist and among other things you can find them on any geographic map. It's just that simple it takes a special kind of stupid to not get it.