Sunday, October 6, 2024

Marking the dreaded 1 year anniversary of the October 7th terror attack. FCK HMS

October 7th is tomorrow but today kicks off a series of events all over The San Francisco Bay Area commemorating the 1 year anniversary of the hamas terror attack. There will be rallies, vigils, speaking engagements and services at houses of worship. Too many events and with some of them having overlapping times I won't be able to attend everything but I will be posting photos of what I do end up getting to. First up, here we are from the Sunday afternoon rally at the San Francisco Civic Center.

October 7th Update: Today it was back to San Francisco but this time to the Israel Consulate Office so we can show them a little love and solidarity. The consulate is a frequent target of leftist antisemitic vandalism and harassment. Case and point, you may have noticed all the colored chalk smudge marks all over the pavement in the groups photo? Water along with the soles of our sneakers took care of that shit pretty well.

Later we traveled to The South Bay where we encountered a pro iranian terror proxy rally at Stanford University in Palo Alto. We encountered some really lovely folks there. Please, feel free to share this video as much as you can on social media I think mommy and daddy might want to see what their kids were up to on October 7th, exactly one year after hamas's vile Jew hate fueled terror attack...

October 14th Update: And this was the scene at the weekly Bring Them Home Now vigil in Lafayette yesterday. Also, I have an update from the pro hamas hoodlums last week at Stanford University as seen in the video link. Looks like at least a couple of those idiots got themselves into some real trouble with the police...


Monday, July 15, 2024

A public service announcement about urban renewal and waste management

I find so much anti-Israel propaganda all the time around here in the form of freeway overpass signs, flags, flyers, stickers and so on. Taking them down is fun and satisfying ofcourse but sometimes I also like to have a little fun when it comes to getting rid of the shit to.

The name "palestine" is neither arabic or islamic in origin. It's a name the romans came up with after the 2nd Jewish revolt to roman rule over Biblical Israel. At no point in it's history was "palestine" anything other then a territory of some foreign empire. Today "palestine" is nothing more then an abstract concept as opposed to being an actual place and since it was never a free nation to begin with the mantra "Free Palestine" is nothing less then code for Israel's destruction. I've been tearing down that shit where ever I find it since even before October 7th 202. . . .
I will continue to do so as long as I keep seeing it and make sure it all ends up in either my fire place or in a dumpster where it all belongs.
July 21st Update: Ok let's switch gears here from palestinian propaganda and dumpsters to some Israel solidarity activities because there was a lot going on today and it really pisses me off that I just couldn't be every where at once. First up there was the Tiburon Jewish Festival and the weekly Bring Them Home Now vigil on the 24 El Curtola overpass in Lafayette. And then ofcourse there was a counter protest in downtown Palo Alto to a pro hamas rally organized by the usual degenerates such as the pretend Jews of JVP and the muslim brotherhood PR front CAIR. I'm so proud of all my zionist brothers and sisters of the San Francisco Bay Area!
August 8th Update: Today was the India Day Parade in Fremont so some of us joined our Hindu brothers and sisters. The local Hindu community has been so supportive since October 7th. They get it, and we all remember Mumbai back in 2008.

August 25st Update: We had our 5th University Avenue overpass rally with the focus being on Hersh Goldberg Polin. That poor kid is still a hostage in that hamas shit hole known as gaza and he also happens to be from berkeley. This rally was a huge success with the biggest attendance yet with around 200 people showing up to demand the release of Hersh and all the remaining hostages.
September 1st Update: I got the news last night like most of the rest of you about the murder of Hersh and 5 other hostages. My sign pretty much says it all for me right now.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Epic photo from ISRAEL Consulate support rally in San Francisco

Last night when I posted this photo I was planning on this and the corresponding youtube link being it here but so much pro-Israel activity has been going on around here in just the past week alone I think I'll share a bit more especially in light of the wonderful news about the rescues of some of the hostage yesterday.
Berkeley Highway 80 overpass bridge rally
The Israel corner of the annual Fairfax Street Fair

The weekly Highway 24 overpass vigil in Lafayette

Now this is what I call art that talks to me! Earlier this week there was some drama at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco. Long story short, apparently a number of woke leftist pro hamas asshole miscreants crawled out from under every slimy rock in The Bay Area to protest some of the exhibits that triggered them. Gee whiz, imagine that!

June 15th Update: I'm not kidding here, this cartoon concept came to me while I was stirring in bed and still half asleep this morning. The humor in it lands better if you're a Star Wars fan or at least have a fair amount of familiarity with it. 


Monday, March 4, 2024

San Francisco Unity March Against Antisemitism

An estimated 10,000 people showed up yesterday for the Unity March Against Antisemitism in San Francisco. Some leftist lunatics made several attempts to disrupt the event but they ended up being little more then an amusing side show for us as seen here . . . .

A big shout out to the Bay Area Indian community for joining us in solidarity against antisemitism and islamic terror. We will never forget Mumbai, it was a shared pain between our two people.

April 7th Update: An estimated 200-250 people gathered on the El Curtola Blvd bridge in Lafayette to mark a grim milestone. Along with the vigil there was a bake sale going on that managed to raise $6158 for the BRING THEM HOME NOW fund.

May 5th Update: Here's some art work I did based on recent events which as you can see includes an updated version of the sign from San Francisco featured at the top of this posting.

Monday, January 1, 2024

2024 a year of ongoing war in gaza and every where in The San Francisco Bay Area

Well here we are in 2024 and it doesn't look like this shit is gonna end any time soon does it? Well, as long as the local hamas loving Jew haters are gonna keep doing their thing then so will we. As for the actual war, I hope gaza doesn't get a moment of peace until the rest of the hostages start to come home. Let's keep pushing back on all the pro-hamas propaganda, thuggery and vandalism we've been subjected to in 2023.
This sign and many others much like it have been found along freeway overpasses all over The East Bay in the past couple months. If any of them belong to you and you want to reclaim them you can you can call 1-800-EATSHIT
Fuck a ceasefire with out the return of any hostages, fuck hamas and the UN to. Keep going IDF, don't stop until the job is done this time. Bring them home now! For ISRAEL forever!

It made my day when I saw this. Many thanks to the San Ramon resident who planted this sign on their front lawn.
January 15th (MLK Birthday) Update: Shortly after the invasion and massacre of October 7th 2023 a weekly vigil for the hostages began to form on a bridge on the boarder of the cities of Lafayette and Walnut Creek California. Although the 100th day anniversary of the Israelis in captivity was yesterday, today on Martin Luther King's birthday is the day where the weekly vigil is to commemorate the anniversary. It was a great turn out in which we experienced a heart warming sense of community and support as the sons and daughters of Zion. Everyone who showed up today helped continue to bring public awareness for the ongoing plight of the hostages held in gaza by disgusting hamas terrorists. And they also honored the sacrifices of the fighting women and men of the Israel Defense Force.


Sunday, October 8, 2023

A look at Bay Area solidarity with ISRAEL since October 7th

I'm not a big fan of Netanyahu these days nor do I much care for Israel's current government. But I'm 100% behind whatever retribution they are about to unleash on the iranian regime backed jihadi nazis in gaza. Dear Israel, please finish the job this time!

October 9th Update: Talk about an outstanding photo from Berkeley today! Not only is the messaging powerful but it's a great work of art from just a strictly photography stand point to. This reminds me of a demonstration for ISRAEL we did on that bridge a couple years ago...

 October 10th Update: More rallies for Israel this week and it's only Tuesday. They had one at the Civic Center in San Francisco on  Monday but so far I'm having trouble learning much about how that went. But today we had some great turn outs at cal berkeley of all places and in Walnut Creek. I think that young lady at the cal berkeley rally may win the sign of the year award with that one. Check out the youtube link below to see how it went in Walnut Creek.


October 15th Update: Today we had a rally in San Francisco that was down right exhilarating. Despite the somber nature of the occasion it felt more like a party then a political demonstration. So what were we up to? well here ya go . . . 

Singing Hatikvah in front of City Hall

Shofar blowing

Music and Dancing

March through downtown


October 22nd Update: Downtown San Jose California today was the site of BRING THEM HOME rally for Israel. Typically for these rallies I wear an Israel or IDF themed shirt but today was something of a special occasion considering the location so I went with my blue Earthquakes t-shirt. Anyways, check it out . . .

October 22nd Update: And here we are back in San Francisco in Yerba Buena Gardens where ironically is the site of where The Israel in The Gardens annual festival used to take place.

November15th Update: And back in The East Bay a daily BRING THEM HOME NOW rally on pedestrian bridge on the Lafayette and Walnut Creek boarder is still ongoing.  

David Holsey

Saturday, January 28, 2023


Yeah sure whatever good for you pal. Welcome to San Francisco California everybody.

But on the flip side, you have impressive public displays like this to.

Back in May of 2021 during the last war with gaza (code named Guardian of The Walls) I discovered a bunch of anti-Israel propaganda on a pedestrian freeway overpass in Castro Valley one day. Needless to say I felt a certain way about that and promptly took matters into my own hands. Fortunately after I took the dumpster photo I decided to salvage the palestinian flag prop for a special occasion.

Well, today was that special occasion. palestinians are currently celebrating the terror attack and murder of 7 Jews in Jerusalem which happens to fall on the heels of Holocaust Remembrance Day. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Not always the case actually because this one is just saying fuck your celebrations, fuck any more talk about a 2 state solution and that I'm looking forward to Israel's response to this latest round of palestinian terror. As far as I'm concerned what comes next isn't just about justice or deterrence, It's gonna be a reckoning. That's all less then a thousand words.