Saturday, June 8, 2024

Epic photo from ISRAEL Consulate support rally in San Francisco

Last night when I posted this photo I was planning on this and the corresponding youtube link being it here but so much pro-Israel activity has been going on around here in just the past week alone I think I'll share a bit more especially in light of the wonderful news about the rescues of some of the hostage yesterday.
Berkeley Highway 80 overpass bridge rally
The Israel corner of the annual Fairfax Street Fair

The weekly Highway 24 overpass vigil in Lafayette

Now this is what I call art that talks to me! Earlier this week there was some drama at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco. Long story short, apparently a number of woke leftist pro hamas asshole miscreants crawled out from under every slimy rock in The Bay Area to protest some of the exhibits that triggered them. Gee whiz, imagine that!

June 15th Update: I'm not kidding here, this cartoon concept came to me while I was stirring in bed and still half asleep this morning. The humor in it lands better if you're a Star Wars fan or at least have a fair amount of familiarity with it.