After having had this 93 Honda Civic for 10 years I finally had to say good bye to it. It was probably the most mechanically sound used car I've ever owned it never failed a single smog test to. But even with 205,000 miles on it and still running relativity well it was never the less time to move on. Kinda had this shitty feeling come over me when I drove the car to the auto salvage yard like when you have to take a terminally ill pet to get euthanized. Anyways, I know this doesn't make for the most interesting of postings but I just felt like I had to do something after 10 years of loyal and reliable service from this work horse. Just like with The
Millennium Falcon she didn't look like much but she had it where it counts.
This also would have made a great bumper sticker left click to enlarge |