I've seen Israeli wines on store shelves before here in California. Most notably at Trader Joes which has been a favorite target of a failing BDS campaign for years now. But I must admit, this display spotted at a Bay Area Total Wine store is certainly a step up from merely bottles on a shelf. By the way, notice how the display diagram includes The Golan Heights?
Your one stop source for videos & photos showcasing the defenders of Israel confronting radical leftists & Islamo fascists activities in the San Francisco Bay Area. Israel, you are not alone!
Friday, October 22, 2021
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Smooth ride for ZIM on the Puget Sound waters
Getting back to the San Francisco Bay Area, I've been seeing these "ZIMonitor" cargo containers on the highway for the first time in past coupe weeks now. After a quick Google search I learned that these are special temperature controlled cargo containers that customers can monitor adjust remotely. How cool is that!? Learn more about ZIMonitor and The Z Factor which is another top of the line ZIM cargo container model rolled out for 2021 that can also be seen on Bay Area highways in recent weeks . . .
All that new ZIM transportation tech aside, you can still find plenty of the more older model containers on Bay Area roads.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Pro Israel demonstration on Berkeley bridge elicits strong response
For many year now this pedestrian bridge over highway 80 in Berkeley has been a favorite site for various left wing movements to "advertise" their agendas and ideology. Now, some of them have been ok with me and then ofcourse there's the really crazy shit I've seen over the years like in the case of 911 conspiracy signage. Well lately it's been all this anti-Israel/pro-palestinian up there which certainly didn't come as a shock to any of us. But this weekend we thought it might be nice for a change of scenery.
We got quite a boisterous public reaction for the entire hour we were there. The video link below is a sample of thathttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4LyLRtEn_g
On something of a side note here when it comes to all things SF Bay Area highways. Despite all the anti-Israel agitation around here this week including at the Port of Oakland apparently you can still find ZIM cargo containers being trucked on any given day. BDS fail, boo hoo : (
May 24th Update: I don't know if the BDSholes who put these signs up at the Strobridge pedestrian overpass bridge in Castro Valley were expecting to get them back or not. Well, I guess it doesn't matter any more at this point because that shit is mine now.
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Israel Solidarity rally in Redwood City today
These BDShole morons that one might have mistaken for some kind of jihadi boy band were also there in a laughably pathetic attempt to cause a disturbance. They were largely ignored and ultimately crawled back to the slimy underside of some nearby rocks.
Get involved and show your support by doing a mizvah for Israel.
Video from today
May 19th Update: Last week also saw other pro-Israel rallies in The San Francisco Bay Area such as in Walnut Creek and in Orinda as seen on this freeway over pass pedestrian bridge.
Monday, May 3, 2021
United Shades of America SF Bay Area episode hijacked by anti-Israel agenda
Why do I say that? Common sense aside, I'm married to a retired Bay Area police officer who actually still works in a sector of law enforcement and she has never even so much as even heard of American cops being trained by Israelis. In fact, I would challenge anyone reading this who personally knows any cops to ask them if they know anything about training in Israel. This is just another case of an anti-Israel agenda hijacking a legitimate domestic social issue as a means of self promotion an gaining a wider audience. To be clear, the issue of police brutality and racism in America has nothing to do with the Israel palestinian conflict going on half way around the world. Don't be fooled by the BS of anti-semitic BDSholes. Take the time to earn the facts and the truth.
W.Kamu Bell is one of the producers and host of United Shades of America. For now I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that he didn't have kiswani on this episode out of any ill will toward Israel and by extension the Jewish people. But he made a BIG mistake by letting a BDS supporting palestinian terror apologist use his show as a platform to promote her vile ideology and lies. Let him know how you feel (in a civil manner please!) W.Kamu Bell can be found on twitter and presumably on other common social media sites as well.