Sunday, December 16, 2012

KGO radio interview with Stand With Us regarding the latest gaza war

KGO Radio interview with San Francisco Bay Area Stand With Us chapter representative about the anti-Israel movement both locally and abroad:!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Pro-hamas scum at AIPAC protest in San Francisco 2012

Dec. 6th Update: Damn! this video hit nearly 700 page views in less then 48 hours. The video hasn't been given even one thumbs down rating or gotten one hate comment nothing. It's been nothing but praise so far. I hope some anti-Israel assholes find it soon and make things a little more interesting.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

A knock knock joke on youtube hamas will never forget

I fellow local pro-Israel activist and I slapped this little video together for shit's n' giggles just click on the link.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Insane Jew hating rant in San Francisco by hamas supporter on Black Friday 2012

We've got another great video from today that should be uploaded within a couple hours stay tuned . . .

. . . . and here it is, get ready to laugh your ass off!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

S.F. leftists and arabs protest hamas hits in gaza

Watch me rip this pali flag to shreds

This one is a good one be sure to watch what this leftist anti-Semite says as "she" gets arrested:

And even more leftist Jew haters ranting for our cameras:


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sacramento and Ashkelon Israel now sister cities. Another BDS fail!

Left click to enlarge
After rigorous attempts by anti-Israel slime to stop the initiative for Sacramento and Ashkelon to become sister cities the city council of Sacramento never the less went forward with the motion. The relevant facts in the matter articulated well by speakers such as this man here played a part in yet another defeat for the BDS scum sucking bottom dwelling Jew haters of the anti-Israel bowel movement.

Many thanks to pro-Israel advocates in the SF Bay Area who made the 1+ hour drive to Sac. and shot these videos of the proceedings.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Israel in the Gardens Festival in S.F. 2012

Not much of a turn out of anti-Israel goons this year. I'd like to think that many of them are still traumatized from dealing with me last year.

Friday, April 27, 2012

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISRAEL! A look back at the S.F. Bay Area and those who are pissed off Israel made it to 64

Below are examples of the assholes in the San Francisco area who are pissed of that modern day Israel has managed to avoid annihilation for 64 years so far.

If you're not too sick in the stomach check it out there's even more!

May 4th update: Look what I just made : )

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The U.C. Davis heckler continued. One more good reason to love the Israeli Defense Force!

This is my favorite line from this video. The IDF soldier hits the nail on the head here when it comes to liberal hypocrisy as he clowns that idiot heckler. Just like at U.C Berkeley, supporting islamic terror is practically part of the curriculum here.

The primary heckler was just one part of the continuous disruptions that was organized by various pro-palestinian muslim student groups.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

louise Jew hater farrakahn at U.C. Berkeley snap shot captures his true satanic appearance

Ya know, Cal. Berkeley, U.C. Davis or Columbia University would no doubt shudder at the notion of having the current imperial wizard of the ku klux klan give a presentation at their campus (as well they should). So why is it when scum like farrakahn, amedinejad and amir abdul malik ali speak at these campuses and spew much of the same kind of kkk like crap it's regarded as "free speech" and not as hate speech? I guess when muslims of color preach hate these days letting them speak an American institutions of learning is just the "progressive" thing to do.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Israeli president Shimon Peres in S.F. March 2012 greeted by pro-palestinian slime

This here is a short little video of the scene outside of Congregation Emanu-El in San Francisco where Shimon Peres was giving a speech. I was expecting to for there to be many more pro-palestinian idiots (about 40 or so) there that night given that they came out to protest the current president and former prime minister of Israel.


Wed. March 7 update: Video from KTVU Channel 2 news report. My friend Daniel gets a brief interview. He also will be posting a video later today from the footage he shot last night look for it here.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Israel "apartheid week' is back at U.C. Berkeley, educated useful idiots rejoice

Well here comes another annual fun filled week of lies, distortions, guerrilla theater and politically correct anti-Semitism.

And if you're feeling sentimental about the Israel "apartheid week" of years past just take a trip down memory lane with this classic 2010 grandstanding from Students for "justice" in (so called) palestine at U.C. Berkeley. Both of these knuckle heads have been arrested for violent behavior toward pro-Israel advocates.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Psychotic anti-U.S. / Israel rantings at "no war on iran" rally in San Francisco

My friend worked very hard putting together a couple of hours worth of raw footage to make these fantastic videos of these radical leftist maniac's explaining their psychotic agenda in their own words.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

So called "No war on iran" march in S.F. These leftists are crazier then you can imagine!

I just don't even have the words for what I saw and heard today in San Fransicko. Please keep in mind that syria's regime murdered somewhere between 200-250 people just yesterday alone! Also keep in mind russia and china vetoed a resolution of condemnation at the U.N. All that was reported on NPR just this morning. Leftist hypocrisy around here is appalling!