Saturday, November 19, 2011

Leftist anti-Semite at U.C. Berkeley with a real big fucken mouth!

This video was sent to me by a fellow pro-Israel advocate so unfortunately I wasn't there to give this fucken asshole a taste of his own medicine! Or ya know what? Forget the insults this time I really would have just wanted to kick his leftist anti-Semitic ass all over the U.C. Berkeley campus. More fun at the Berkeley campus here . . .

Saturday, November 12, 2011

S.F. Bay Area Women in Black: not anti-Israel, just anti-militant . . . yeah right! Watch the videos and judge for yourself

Notice how this flyer's opening paragraph starts to make the case for why the pro-palestinian agenda should be part of the Occupy Wall St. movement. Go ahead and left click on any portion of the flyer you want to enlarge for easier reading.
Here are some portions of the flyer's back side. I can't say I'm really familiar with most of the stuff in their recommended reading directory but I sure do recognize that book at the bottom of their published reading list. As for the websites they've got stuff like al-jazeera, jewish voice for "peace", electronic intifada and the anti-Israel Christian coalition of sabeel as sources to help "inform" you.
Woman in Black continue to insist they are not anti-Israel but with the exception of the U.S. sometimes they exclusively castigate Israel. They never make any mention of hamas or any islamic terror groups. And apparently places like pakistan (where bin laden was hiding out) don't seem to be on their radar when it comes to questionable financial military and financial foreign aid. To no surprise syria which has now slaughtered nearly 4000 people doesn't seem to fall under their anti-militant jurisdiction of who should be condemned.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

My thought on the Occupy Movement

11/6/11 update
I created this photo collage out of still shots from the video in question last Wednesday at Oakland Occupy in the event Youtube removes the video tonight. That way at the very least you'll all have a visual of the things I documented from that day along with the photos from the previous posting (1st vid. link).
For those of you who don't know what's going on with that video just go to the link and look for the comment that is in all upper caps as well as the video description.

11/7/11 update
Well as I suspected they might, Youtube went and pulled my video from the Oakland Occupy last Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Occupy Oakland now has "Little palestine" district. Gee whiz that didn't take long.

The first few times I came to Occupy Oakland there was nearly a complete absence of any anti-Israel influence in the encampment. Less then a week later after hatem bezian's prayer sermon and speech we're seeing that the pro-palestinian agenda has started to slither into the scene here. Get a load of this sign and some of the places (which I circled) they consider to be occupied. Notice how the sign has "palestine" highlighted along with Oakland?

The photos below came from another source. As you can see some JVP screwballs (Jewish voice for "peace") were also there and were in on the hijack action of the movement with their anti-Israel agenda.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Text book example of a leftist useful idiot student at U.C. Berkeley

I'm willing to bet this idiot which I assume is a student here did not come from a muslim family. More likely she's either from some leftist background already or is rebelling from a conservative one. If she comes from a conservative family you can bet her "submission" to allah has really more to do with pissing her parents off by being so very progressive more then anything.
Watch this video as long as you can stand it and listen to how thoroughly she's been brainwashed by the pro-palestinian narrative as she defends the Irvine 11 (Youtube word search Irvine 11). I didn't shoot this video there's no way I could have managed to quietly listen to this leftist crap for even a minute much less two.
Stealth jihad tactics typically use Western freedoms like free speech to it's advantage. Look for the comment on the video with the movie cinema reference in it to see what I'm talking about.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Occupy San Francisco: Reloaded but penis shots censored this time

The first video may be the freakiest one I've ever uploaded! You know it's freaky when I upload a video in which the Israel hating leftists aren't the most disturbing part of it. I just have two words for you right now, anti circumcision. nuff said! You won't see the finger being given in these videos but I provided this still photo so you could rest assured I communicated my loathing to the Israel haters before I left San Francisco today. As for the Jesus guy in the other photo judge not lest you've seen that video first :)

Oct. 31 update
Alright! We're back in business with the first video!
Just this time with out the penis footage.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Oakland Occupation Strikes Back: Islamic prayer groups & leftist Jews

Doctor Evil, hatem bezian leads an islamic prayer sermon in solidarity with the newly reoccupied Frank Ogawa Plaza in front of Oakland City Hall. bezian is a notorious anti-Israel "professor" at U.C. Berkeley and works in close association with anti-Israel muslim student groups like SJP (students for justice in "palestine") and the MSA (muslim student association). He makes frequent appearances at anti-Israel off campus events as well.

The vile leftist "rabbi" michael lerner was there too. Here's a direct quote from an ad he ran in an issue of The East Bay Express newspaper in August of 2010 for high holiday services at his cultist congregation: "We American Jews can atone for the treatment of palestinians by the government of the state of Israel and the failure of the American Jewish community to articulate a moral critique of those policies!". Oh and did I mention he's a big time supporter of the now discreted Goldstone report?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Liberal Fascism explained: see it in action at the 2009 S.F. "Jewish" Film Festival

For those of you who are locals and have visited this blog you probably know about this video documentary already. But some of you from outside of California and perhaps outside of the U.S. may not. If that's the case you need to give this video (both part 1 and 2) a look and fully understand the disturbed nature of the leftist Jews around here. These people are hardly Jews at all because the culture and religion that they actually espouse to is the liberal fascism that is the corner stone of today's progressive movement.

Liberal Fascism
- a mindless subservient adherence toward anything that is considered currently "progressive". Whether it makes sense or not is irrelevant.

Progressive - hip, cool, enlightened and or a counter cultural ideology no matter how offensive to anyone or anything except Islam. Hating Israel and America while turning a blind eye to islamic terror and self inflicted tyranny within the Muslim world is extremely "progressive" these days.


Now, welcome to the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival. Feel free to throw up on the nearest Israel basher if you feel yourself getting sick.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The al-jazeera of the S.F. Bay Area, Tom Vee

Tom here is basically one of the main video guys of the local pro-palestinian movement. This poor fellow is just another naive Western useful idiot just like rachel corrie and tristan anderson. He's the quiet non confrontational sort who skulks around in the shadows at protests hoping to get video footage of pro-Israel advocates loosing their cool. I caught up with him last June in S.F. and put him on the other side of the camera for a change. I just love the look on his face when I show up. Don't forget to read the video description too.

Now, far be it for me to promote any of Tom's videos I must make an exception for this one. This video takes place at one the demonstrations in the Channel 7 News reports in the previous posting. As you can see from the preview photos unlike my chat with Tom this one has some action in it. Remember when you go to this link your going to one of Tom's video not mine so you might want to leave a comment here instead of on Youtube. Unless of course you just wanna say hi to my good buddy Tom.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

S.F. Bay Channel 7 news clip videos from 2010 terror flotilla demonstrations

The link below will take you to the Channel 7 website and should automatically start playing the first news segment. Just below the view screen you will see some thumbnail previews for the other segments. Be sure to also click on the thumbnail that looks like the above image.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Watch how even "children's" art is used by Oakland leftists to demonize Israel

Well it looks like something did end up going down today after all. I gotta tell I admire the persistence of these liberal fascists around here. I really don't know what these people would do with themselves if it wasn't for Israel. You think if Israel was destroyed they'd turn their humanitarian efforts to humanitarian nightmares like libya, yemen or syria? Well if you believe that then you probably also believe iran is still not interested in nuclear weapons even after having heard ahmadinejad's latest insane rant at the U.N. general assembly hall a couple of days ago. See here as these local leftist lunatics borrow a page out of hamas's game book and utilize palestinian children as political tools in their mindless crusade against Israel.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Crashing the Israel hate fest outside of the AIPAC meeting in Oakland 2010

The annual AIPAC ( American Israel Public Affairs Committee) dinner meeting comes every year to S.F., San Jose and Oakland. But it's usually only S.F. that the Israel haters like to come out to and make a big show at outside. Last year for reasons I can't recall they decided to do their production in Oakland instead. At one point my friends and I got bored with just waving to honking cars passing by while holding flags and bullshitting with fellow pro-Isreal supporters. So we decided to go over to the anti-Israel side of the street to see if we could "mingle" a bit with our "friends".

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Queers for "palestine"? Yep, we got em here in S.F. and now on Youtube for your viewing pleasure . . sort of

Now this beauty you see here isn't Quasimodo. This is Kate Rafael, the head honcho of a gay anti-Israel group in the San Francisco Bay Area. Click on the link below to get better acquainted with this fine example of what is known around here as a "peace activist". Oh yeah and your gonna just love paul too he makes several appearances here.

The Israeli Consulate in S.F. cosponsored a LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi & transgender) film event at The Castro theater earlier this summer. That was enough to prompt Kate and her merry men of Jew hating Israel bashers to put on a show of their own outside of the theater. They then made a charming little anti-Israel propaganda video featuring the usual lies, half truths and misdirections about Israeli society aimed at the weak minded. Well, Kate isn't quite as smart as she thinks she is cause some pro-Israel advocates turned her own video against her.

This is a little something I made for kate and her friends during a similar incident at the Roxy theater last year. In case your wondering, the obvious irrational nature of kate's blind support of the palestinian narrative as expressed with this sign is indeed lost on her. She has seen it, but the irony of the message some how strayed from the path between her optic nerve and what in her case passes for a brain.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Terror flotilla (2011) protest at S.F. Israeli Consulate Youtube comedy act

As you may be aware the gaza terror flotilla didn't work out so well this year. While their ships were being held in Greek ports many of the flotilla supporting freaks in the S.F. Bay Area decided to stage a protest at the Israeli consulate office. As you will see here we made it into a comedy routine to pass the time given the poor turn out.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Terrorizing the terror supporters on Youtube for the 10th anniversary of 911 in Berkeley

I originally intended this blog just to serve as a cartoon gallery. But screw that video is where it's at. So I'm going to start posting videos I've been making lately of me and my friends pissing off the pro-palestinian leftist jerk offs in the San Francsico Bay Area. Because I've already shot video from a few events before I decided to start posting them here I'll be posting the most recent stuff first. That being said check out what just went down last weekend on the 10th Anniversary of 911 at the Solano Street Fair in Berkeley California. Part 3 and part 5 are the best of the bunch!

More fun videos from recent past events to be posted in a couple of days stay tuned!